Byblis lamellata

Range: southwest Australia, between Geraldton and Perth
This species is found in close proximity to Byblis gigantea, to which it is almost indistinguishable to. Like it, B. lamellata is the second perennial species of rainbow plant, growing in the southwestern corner of Australia in white silica sand plains and woodlands that are often seasonally moist to waterlogged. Growing to 60 cm tall, it possesses relatively short stems from which upright filiform leaves unfurl; color is typically bright green, may flush reddish under strong light. Flowers arise singularly on stalks between the leaf axils, the blooms up to 3 cm across with broad, obovate to triangular pinkish to violet (rarely white) petals bearing mild serrations along the outer edges. A dozen or more blooms may be present at once on a healthy plant. The two perennial species are identified via genetic differences, lack of hybridization between the two despite close proximity, and a slight difference in the winged pattern of the ovate seeds.
Cultivation: Grow in a 3:2 sand/peat soil, kept moist (preferably not waterlogged) and moderately humid with cool temperatures through the growing season. During the summer season if plants die back, allow the soil to dry out to barely damp and place in warmer conditions until fall commences. Sow seeds on soil surface and treat with smoke water or GA3 (500-1000 ppm for 4-6 days before sowing), and grow in strong artificial light to preferably full sun. Feed regularly; osmocote pellets in the soil near the base of the plants may be beneficial.
Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces via seeds (requires cross-pollination) and can be propagated via stem cuttings.

The large, purple flower of this species.