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Drosera felix

D. felix Tuku Muruku BCP.jpg

D. felix from "Tuku Muruku," BCP Clone 1

Range: Northern South American highlands


This tiny sundew is the source of some confusion, being extremely similar to (and sometimes treated as a synonym of) D. kaieteurensis. Native to the Venezuelan tepuis and possibly Columbian Andean highlands as well, where it grows in wet seeps and bogs, this species grows as a flat rosette up to 2 cm in diameter with spatulate leaves bearing long, slender parallel petioles which tend to lack most notable indumenta, and orbicular lamina bearing long marginal tentacles. Coloration may be deep olive green with red flushing to solid crimson red in strong light. Inflorescences are key to identification, with this species bearing very short (to 2 cm tall) stalks covered in very sparse red hairs. Typically only one or two flowers are produced on a single stalk, barely 0.5 cm across with rounded white petals. A unique feature of this and its closest relatives is the method of seed release, in which the dried seed pod sections fold outward to act as “splash cups” for rain to hit and catapult seeds away. The near-circular lamina, short semi-glabrous flower stalks, and small number of blooms primarily distinguish this species from its relatives.


Cultivation: grow in a 1:1 peat/sand mix, kept moist to wet and moderately to very humid with temperatures of 65-85°F year round, preferably dropping in temperature at night but not always necessary depending on plant locality. Sow seeds on soil surface, and grow in strong artificial light to full sun.


Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces by seed but can be grown through leaf pullings and possibly root cuttings.



Fleischmann, A., Wistuba, A., and McPherson, S. (2007). Drosera solaris, a new sundew from the Guyana highlands. Willdenowia 37(2): 551-555.

D. felix Tuku Muruku BCP inflorescence.jpg

Plants tend to produce multiple short inflorescences; this form still has hairs on the stems, but fewer in number than kaieteurensis.

D. felix Tuku Muruku BCP flower.jpg

The relatively large white flowers of this species.

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