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Drosera flexicaulis

D. flexicaulis 1585 m Biano Plateau DRC.jpg

D. flexicaulis from 1585 meters in elevation, Biano Plateau, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Range: Zambia and surrounding countries


A mid-African sundew, this plant is found in the border countries between the central rainforests and eastern/southern savannahs, where it grows in swampy savannah habitats or wet seeps amongst tall grasses. Like many of its relatives it’s a stem former but with an odd habit; plants may reach more than 70 cm in height, but alternate between rosetted sections and elongate stems along the length with the rosettes up to 10 cm in diameter. Leaves may reach 3-5 cm in length, held erect to semi-erect with a narrow, glabrous to mildly pubescent petiole and a curving, elongate oblong to narrowly ovular or oar-shaped lamina; stem-leaves are longer often than rosette-leaves. Coloration is primarily green to solid red, tentacles of a similar crimson shade. Inflorescences are typically but not always produced from the rosette stage, and may reach 14 cm in length, slender and ascending in nature with a glabrous to mildly pubescent indumentum, and support up to 10 blooms. Flowers are around 1 cm in diameter, with ovate, bright pink petals. This species can be distinguished from its relatives by its stem-and-rosette habit and longer lamina relative to petiole, as well as minor flower structure and seed differences.


Cultivation: grow in a 2:1 peat/perlite or sand soil mix, kept very moist to wet (though preferably well aerated) and humid, with temps of 70-90°F, year round. Sow seeds on soil surface, and grow in full sun.


Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces through seed, and can be grown through leaf and stem cuttings.



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