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Drosera glanduligera

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Range: across southern Australia, and Tasmania


This unique species, sometimes referred to as the Pimpernel sundew due to the resemblance of the flowers to said member of the Primrose family, is the only member of subgenus Coelophylla, a widespread inhabitant of Australia and Tasmania anywhere there is winter moisture and little risk of frost. Plants may grow up to 6 cm in diameter, with flat, narrow petioles from 1-3 cm in length that are covered in long, curly white hairs, and a broad roughly orbiculate lamina covered abaxially in the same hairs and sporting a depression in the center, ringed by tentacles. The outermost tentacles are notably longer, lack dew, and when triggered can snap inward as quickly as a tenth of a second, transporting prey to the leaf center where the glandular tentacles bend in to begin digestion. Color of the leaf is generally bright green with orange-tinted tentacle tips to yellow or sometimes slightly red-flushed in very strong light. Inflorescences (up to 5 or more in long-lived plants) may be up to 8 cm tall, densely glandular, and bear up to 15 flowers on moderately long, curving pedicels that are equally glandular. Sepals are also glandular, and the flowers are approximately 1-1.5 cm in diameter with brilliant metallic orange ovular to obovate petals with often deep red to purple bases. No other species in its habitat resembles this species, so it is unlikely to be confused with any other.


Cultivation: Grow in a very sandy peat-based soil, kept moist to wet and moderately humid with temperatures of 50-75°F during the day, to as low as 35-50°F at night during the growing season. Do not let temperatures regularly reach or exceed the upper limit otherwise plants may bolt or simply die prematurely. Seeds may benefit from light scarification, otherwise sow on the soil surface and leave for a hot, dry summer exposure before dropping temperatures to trigger germination in fall/winter. Feed regularly and heavily for best growth and seed sets.


Lifespan and reproduction: winter annual. Reproduces by seed only.



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Flower on D. glanduligera; dark center is only just visible in these.

I have found this species to grow very readily and for long periods of time if exposed to hot stratification as required, but then in winter moved to a location more like that of highland Nepenthes or Heliamphora than the short-day Mediterranean environments of other Australian winter-growing plants. The cold temperatures and bright, long daytime periods provide high energy for the plant (if paired with heavy feeding; and I mean every leaf when I say heavy) and they may last for many months; as I type this plants that germinated back in January/February are still growing, even if they've begun their collapse, into June.

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Inflorescence displaying open flower, highly glandular indumentum on all parts, and the long, nodding pedicels of individual flowers.

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Developing seedpods above a leaf with trapped prey.

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