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Range: Cadeia do Espinhaco highlands, Minas Gerais, Brazil


This species is an endemic of the south-central highlands of Minas Gerais, at elevations of 1200-1400 meters in soils composed of quartz gravel and fine sand which often experience extreme desiccation in the dry season. Plants may form very short stems to 2 cm high, and grow primarily as rosettes of erect to semi-erect oblong-lanceolate leaves to 5 cm across. Petioles are distinct, broad, though moderately short and glabrous adaxially; the abaxial side of both petiole and the oblong-tapered lamina are covered in pilose white hairs. Color varies from bright green or yellow with scarlet tentacles to crimson flushed in the lamina, rarely throughout; typically yellow leaves and reddish tentacles present an orange hue overall. Inflorescences are up to 20 cm tall and coated in short pilose white or golden hairs, and may bear up to 9 flowers (rarely recorded up to 16). Blooms are just over 2 cm across, composed of obovate to broadly ovoid deep lilac pink petals. During the dry season, the leaves of this species may lose turgor and curl inward, resulting in a shrunken, sometimes shriveled appearance. This species is easily distinguished by its pilose scapes, orange-yellow coloration, large rosettes compared to its closest relatives in the D. montana complex and acute leaf tips.


Cultivation: grow in a 3:1 sand/peat soil, kept very moist but well aerated and humid with temps of 65-80°F day, 50-60°F night, year round. In summer, soil may be allowed to dry to damp or nearly completely dry, to trigger blooming in the following season. Sow seeds on soil surface, and grow in strong artificial light to full sun.


Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces through seed and rare division, and may possibly be grown through leaf or root cuttings.



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