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Drosera x californica var. arenaria

D. x californica var. arenaria cv. 'Dreamsicle'

Range: Washington Co. FL Panhandle


A rare natural hybrid between D. tracyi and filiformis var. floridana, this taxon has been recorded in the wild in only a single site along the sandy shorelines of a lake in the Florida Panhandle. Plants may grow up to almost 60 cm in height, with extremely thin filiform leaves covered along nearly their entire length in glands roughly intermediate in size between the parent species and starting growth erect before falling outward as they age, similar to the scrambling habit of the tracyi parent. Coloration is often bright golden-green to orange tinted, the glands hot pink to deep red and often aging to paler shades. Tall stalks may just exceed the height of the leaves, bearing numerous large, 1.5-2 cm flowers with broadly orbicular to moderately obovate, often fringed petals of bright to pale pink. Like the type variant, this taxon is fertile and will produce seeds, but at very reduced rates compared to the parent species. Plants can be told apart from the parental species by the intermediate size, longer glands than tracyi but shorter than filiformis, and significantly more coloration than the former but usually not sporting the rich red colors found in the latter parent.


Cultivation: Grow in a 2:1 sand/peat soil, kept moist but preferably not waterlogged and moderately humid, with warm to hot temperatures throughout the growing season. In winter, plants may produce hibernacula, which should be stored just damp in a cool frost-free location until conditions warm again (or for at least 8 weeks). Treat seeds with a short cold stratification (roughly 4 weeks) and sow on soil surface, and grow in strong artificial light to full sun.


Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces via seeds and division, and can be propagated via cuttings.


Sources: Lowrie, A. et al. (2017). Drosera of the World vol. 2 –Oceania, Asia, Europe, North America. Redfern Natural History Productions (UK)

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