Drosera x eloisiana
D. x eloisiana polyploid cultivar 'Dr. Frankensnyder's Monster'
Range: eastern North America and Europe
A natural hybrid of Drosera intermedia x rotundifolia, this taxon has only been recorded in the wild within narrow regions of northeastern North America, but could potentially occur wherever the two parent species overlap in range, including much of Europe. There is contention around the naming of this plant, as originally it was designated D. x belezeana (corrected spelling for x beleziana), but this name was dropped due to an inaccuracy in herbarium material resulting in the original name being synonymized with the parent D. rotundifolia (I’m personally not a fan of the change either, but oh well). Plants may vary in size depending on the traits of the parental populations; average is likely around 8 cm in diameter, with erect to semi-erect rosettes of paddle-shaped leaves, the petiole parallel with slight flattening of its edges and either glabrous or with minute hairs present on the abaxial side. The lamina is approx. 1/6 the length of the whole leaf, roughly obovate with a longer-than-wide profile, rounded at the end and tapering into the petiole. Coloration is typically olive green with red hints and tentacles, occasionally solid red in strong light. Inflorescences, if produced, may reach up to 15 cm tall, with several small, white flowers approx. 1 cm across with narrow ovular petals. This hybrid is naturally sterile. Appearance is as expected intermediate between both parents, with significantly broader and sometimes hairy leaves unlike intermedia, but a more erect stature and elongate lamina, unlike the typically broader than long lamina of rotundifolia.
Cultivation: grow in a 1:1 peat moss/perlite or sand soil mix (or similar suitable carnivorous plant soils), kept moist to occasionally flooded with temperatures of 70-85°F in summer. In winter when plants enter dormancy (all natural forms should, most artificial forms even with tropical variants of either parent may also go dormant if temperatures or light levels drop), allow the soil to dry to just moist, or remove from the pot and place in a moist sealed bag, and leave in a cool to cold (preferably not severe freezing) location for at least 3 months. Sow seeds on soil surface and treat with a 4-6 week cold stratification, and grow in strong artificial light to full sun.
Lifespan and reproduction: long-lived perennial. Reproductively sterile seed-wise, yet will produce plantlets through leaf cuttings and flower stems put into soil. Exception possible for the cultivar ‘Dr. Frankensnyder’s Monster’, if blooms are achieved, but seedlings will not breed true to the parent form.