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Epictia columbi

Range: San Salvador Island, Bahamas


The San Salvador blind snake is an endemic to the island of its name in the southeast end of the Bahamas archipelago; it also has the unfortunate distinction of having been named after colonizer Christopher Columbus. This species can reach up to almost 19 cm in length, with a slender cylindric build, a rounded head with a slight dorsal flattening and significant overbite, and a short, blunt tail tipped in a short spine. Dorsal scale count is 240-263, scale row count 14 reduced to 10 caudally (and supposedly the high number of subcaudal scales at up to 25 is a distinctive trait). Coloration is a uniform deep brown to black dorsally, with no pattern, lightening to a reddish or yellow-brown shade ventrally. This species can be distinguished from its relatives by its range, being unique to and the only species found on its island, and overall dark un-patterned coloration.


Habitat: forested and shrubland regions in relatively undisturbed parts of the island, likely in leaf litter, under logs or other debris, and loose soil.


Prey: likely small soft-bodied invertebrates such as ant and termite larvae.


Lifespan and reproduction: lifespan unknown, likely under 10 years. Oviparous.


Sources: Thomas L Kennedy under copyright

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